Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Garden Paving - Enhancing Your Outdoor Space

Paving your outdoor space not only enhances the appearance of your backyard, but provides you with an amenity that will last a lifetime. There are many paving alternatives which need to be considered carefully to fit in with your outdoor environment and with your aspirations for that environment.

The infrastructure of your backyard can only be enhanced by the building of pathways connecting the various structures in that yard. Garden paving will provide you with many advantages. During inclement weather a pathway is a better option than an unpaved surface, which could be muddy and slippery. A good system of pathways in your backyard will link all of the different structures.

A cottage garden populated by trees and shrubs provides an ideal environment for the placement of pathways, which will lead you to all the hidden spaces.

No matter what sort of garden you have, there is a design to suit. Paving slabs come in many and varied shapes, colours and sizes. Appropriate garden paving will improve the appearance of your outdoor space, and will give you years of pleasure, both from the point of view of the practical and the aesthetic.

Composite and stone are the two basic sorts of paving materials.

Flexibility is a feature of composites and they come in a wide range of colours and shapes. You will find that prices vary, but there will be something suitable in terms of price, practicality and appearance for most garden paving projects.

Precast concrete pavers, which come in a variety of colours, sizes and shapes, are a good quality option to consider. Another option which will give you much flexibility with the shape of the paved area and with the aggregation of the material is poured concrete. You can be very creative when working with poured concrete, and it is a very durable surface.
Another very popular paving option is bricks. Bricks are available in such a range that there is bound to be something suitable for most tastes, and they can be put down in various patterns to create different results. Although not necessarily the cheapest option, bricks are, nevertheless, always worthy of consideration, and most garden paving is done with bricks of one kind or another.

Paving stone comes in a wide range of shapes and sizes and colours. Do shop around because it can be a little expensive sometimes.

Limestone is relatively easy to work with, but comes in a more limited range of colours. Although less durable than some of the other stones, slate is, nevertheless, a good choice in terms of sheer beauty.

Granite is a more expensive option than most, but there is a good reason for that. It is very hard and has a wide range of colours, and for those reasons is one of the very best choices.

Sandstone is widely chosen because it is relatively easy to use. It comes in a wide range of colours and shapes and tends to be less expensive than some other options.

It is a good idea to use a variety of materials in a paving project. There is no rule which says that only one material can be used per project, and the variations which can be achieved with creative mixtures of materials can be worth the effort.

In conclusion, just remember that no matter what your taste dictates, you will be able to find very suitable options for your garden paving from the wide range of available products and ideas. If you wish to find more detailed information on all aspects of paving please visit our Garden Paving website.

Adrian Broadby is a writer and researcher and maintains the website at

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